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Octogenarian’s mission — help the blind see

Published in: 
Hindustan Times
Published on: 
Tuesday, 15 April, 2014

RS Jain, an 84-year-old resident of Sector 14, has a final mission in his life — to enable the blind to see.

Jain is energetically pursuing people to sign a pledge consenting that their eyes will be donated to the blind after they die. So far, he has got more than 100 people to sign the pledge.

For the last seven years, Jain has been supporting a social organization — Niramaya Charitable Trust — and is actively involved with their campaign to provide eye care and free cataract operations to the poor and needy.

“We all decided to sign the pledge since we believe in the cause he is advocating. After my mother-in-law passed away, even her corneas were donated,” said Madhu Jain, RS Jain’s daughter-in-law.

Jain goes out on the field regularly - he accompanies the medical team as they conduct free eye camps in rural Haryana and he also hunts for places where eye camps can be set up.

“Apart from going out on the field, I also arrange for funds for our charitable organisation. I am not ashamed to ask people for funds since all the money is directed towards the betterment of people. We identify cases of cataract and get them operated for free in our trust’s hospital,” he said.

He was earlier involved with an NGO which promoted importance of education among slum children. He has been honoured by the Senior Citizen Forum in Gurgaon.

When asked about how he manages hectic schedules at this age, Jain’s advice is, “Don’t sit at home and keep moving your body and soul for a noble cause. This is the key to being healthy at any age. When I go to sleep in the night, I feel satisfied because I know I have made a difference to the society.”